About Me

The birth of this blog owes its existence to my temporary unemployment. As I was figuring out something interesting to do, a close acquaintance suggested writing a blog chronicling my trips. The idea seemed good, and anyone and everyone was writing about their trips, so why not me. The blog started and has since survived in fits and starts. After a couple of false starts I decided to resuscitate the blog by giving it a new direction, hence the unveiling of the blog with its emphasis on sights and sounds that interest you when you have a child in tow. As most parents would agree, the way you travel changes once you have a child. I hope this blog would be useful for parents to gather information on places to visit in a particular city. However, this blog will not be a source of how to travel and which stroller to use while traveling etc. I am quite convinced that each parent figures out quite early how best to travel(if at all they are interested in traveling) with their kid/kids in tow.

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